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The Nordic Seasons

in The Heart River Valley

Trail crosses in Autumn moutains


The White. The Cold. The Beautiful AURORA SEASON.

There are few places on Earth that has as much to offer in the Snowy Winter, as the Heart River Valley. Wa can take you skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, ice fishing, ice bathing, sauna bathing, Northern Light watching and much more.



Many of the habitants in the Nordic have the Winter-Spring as their favourite season. The main reasons is that they can still enjoy the great snow depth of Winter, still a lot of Northern Light at night, but with longer, brighter and warmer days.



Enjoying the last of the snow, while starting to get the summer feelings, makes Spring the perfect shifting season up North. Already in May we experience the all day around-brightness - now there wont be dark outside again until August,



The green season. When nature comes alive again after the long winter. From May until early August we have midnight light. Now you can wander around in the peaceful and quite wild forests, on the mountains or by the lake- and river sides, embracing the beauty and smells of all awakening flowers, plants and trees. Watching mighty waterfalls, go canoeing and take a swim in crystal clear lakes and creeks are some of our favorites. You can also watch birds, wild but harmless animals and maybe catch some Arctic Trouts, Chars and Graylings. We can also go on Island Hopping Safaris with the AuroraHut in the mighty water system of The Heart River.



The colour shifting and harvest season. Probably one of the most breathtaking seasons when it comes to beautiful colours and moving around in the wild. The nights are getting colder and darker, meaning the Northern Lights might be seen again, sometimes already from late August. Now we can pick delicious berries like cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries and of course delicious mushrooms like Yellow Foot Chanterelles, Trumpet Chanterelles, Penny Buns and lots of other secret local delicacies. Except harvesting our fields, now is also the major season for hunting and fishing.

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